Monday, August 17, 2009

Seventy-two vipers - Enjoy!


Those words were uttered by a suicide bomber just hours before he was planning to blow himself up taking large numbers of civilians with him. This is hugely important because it shows that martyrdom is not an automatic process. If it was automatic, ie murder civilians and you'll automatically go to heaven and receive seventy-two virgins, why ask a colleague to pray for your martyrdom?

It occurs to me that if a person can pray for another's entry into heaven, he can equally pray for their entry to HELL. Personally I'm not into such concepts but two billion Christians, one billion Moslems and several million Jews are.

The important thing to remember here is that Christians, Moslems and Jews all worship the same God! And therefore - according to believers - God listens equally to all of them.

So here's my plan. Moslems are forever telling us how moderate they are and how they abhor terrorism, so they can participate in this plan along with Christians and Jews. But even if they're lying to us and they secretly approve of the murder of civilians, Moslems are outnumbered by two to one!

Fundamentalist Christians will have no qualms about praying to God and requesting that terrorists be condemned to hell. More moderate Christians might hesitate before wishing such a fate on someone, no matter how evil that person. Moderate Christians can simply ask God to apply his "eye for an eye" law as stated in the Bible, or simply ask God to deal with the terrorist as he sees fit. That in itself should be enough to strike fear into the heart of a would-be terrorist.

These sad creeps who strap bombs to themselves or who blow themselves up with car bombs do so because they have been brainwashed by evil hate-filled monsters. Christians and Jews should refer to such manipulators as Satanists, disciples of the Devil.

Remember, the thing here is to cast doubt on the certainty of martyrdom. Make it a touch or go sort of thing in the mind of a would-be bomber. If he believes that instead of seventy-two virgins he'll get seventy-two vipers, poisonous serpents that will bite him every day, all day, throughout all of eternity, he'll think twice before murdering innocent people.

Remember, it's all in the mind. They commit atrocities because they've been brainwashed to believe a particular fiction. They have become convinced that God - creator of the universe - wants them to murder innocent men. women and children. We must convince them that they have been lied to by "Satanists" and that the reward for mass murder is an eternity spent writhing in the flames of hell along with seventy-two poisonous vipers!

(The entry below was written three years ago. Since then it has occurred to me that I was definitely on the right track.)

Monday, February 27, 2006

Muslim Terrorists

"When he die, when the first drop of blood from him, out, all his sins are forgiven."
Sheik Abu Bakr

Every so often a representative of Islam will appear on television explaining to the west that Islam is a religion of peace and that Muslims are a peace loving people.

Clearly some are not.

Clearly some are being influenced by men of war and terror. If you are genuinely interested in preventing terrorist attacks on the west you have a duty to speak out and
to do all within your power to dissuade hot-headed radicals from committing atrocities. There are two ways you can achieve this.

1/ Deny what Sheik Abu Bakr said and inform young Muslims that far from being forgiven, they will face eternity in the
fires of hell if they murder innocent people. Convince them that instead of becoming martyrs they will become pariahs, hated by Allah and Mohamed alike. Whether or not it's true is beside the point. No human being can possibly know what is and isn't true. All ideas as to the afterlife are conjecture. No one has been there and come back, although Christians believe that Jesus did and you believe that Mohamed did.

Clearly that is an absurd idea based on wishful thinking. When Mohamed died, who spoke to him aftewards to hear him describe the afterlife? No one did. And as for Jesus and his alleged resurrection, he said nothing about the afterlife. Instead, creative minds went to work fabricating fiction.

But when it comes to religion, fiction is more important and more powerful than truth.

When radical Muslims instruct gullible young Muslims that they will be rewarded in heaven with beautiful brides, you must tell them otherwise. Tell them they will be punished in hell with fire and poisonous serpents! Young Muslims will believe anything they're told, that's how hate-filled manipulators are able to convince them to fly planes into buildings or strap bombs to their bodies and blow themselves up. And that's no reflection on Muslims alone because Jews and Christians have been known to die in their thousands while defending nonsense.

Young religious people will believe anything they're told, so if they're going to have their heads filled with fantasy it's up to
YOU to fill their heads with good fantasies. Peaceful fantasies. They may not entirely believe you but that doesn't matter. Confuse them. Take away the certainty of martyrdom and divine reward. A man will think twice about murdering innocent people if he's unsure whether he's going to heaven or hell.

So don't delegate an occasional spokesmen to speak on your behalf, informing the west how peaceful you are, be as good as your word - instruct young Muslims in the way of

2/ As I understand it there are various meanings to the word "Jihad". One meaning is 'Waging war to defend Islam'. You need to remind young Muslims that Islam is not under threat from the USA, France, Britain, Europe or Australia. Sure there are conflicts. The wearing of the veil in French and Australian schools for example.
But that doesn't put the whole of Islam under threat! That's a bit like saying Christianity is under threat because some shopping malls disallow nativity scenes. Christianity is strong enough and confident enough to weather such snubs, and so should Islam be.

In 1998, the United Nations, at America's urging, went to war to defend and protect Muslims from Christian Serbs in Bosnia.
Americans, Brits and other Europeans risked their lives protecting Muslims!

The United States has not only allowed but has encouraged Muslims to build mosques and schools on its land. It has encouraged Islam to thrive within its borders. The same applies to France, Britain and Australia. To say that we have put Islam under threat is a lie. It is grossly unfair. The indigenous peoples of America and Australia have far more to complain about than do Muslims, yet they don't go around bombing innocent people to death.

One genuine grievance that Muslims have is the occupation of Palestine by Israel. Bear in mind that this has come about by a literal interpretation of the Bible -- God instructing Jews to drive out "aliens" and repossess the land. Had moderate Rabbis done what I'm advising you to do and instructed Jews in the way of peace, none of the present conflict would have occurred. Rabbis should have informed Jews that the Palestinians -- whether called Philistines or Middianites or whatever -- have lived and toiled on the land for thousands of years and have every right to stay. Jews had a choice between befriending Palestinians or driving them off their land. They chose the latter and now look at the turmoil.

Fundamentalism results in misery and disaster for everyone!

Then there's Iraq. The USA had no right to invade Iraq. Some say they did it to seize oil but there's more to it than that. It was more a case of settling old scores. Iraq has suffered under the weight of Turkish imperialism, British betrayal, Saddam Hussein and now American gung-ho thuggery. No one can predict how it will end but my guess is that it will end badly for the USA and its allies. We deserve a bloody nose. Any country that believes it's perfectly fine to bomb 100,0000 civilians to death deserves to lose.

Even so, despite the Israeli occupation of Palestine and the American occupation of Iraq, Islam itself is not under attack
! Muslims still attend mosques and enjoy the fruits of democracy in most western countries.

But that could change.

One more trick like the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center and patience could run out. Muslims need to remember how vulnerable their religious centers are to attack. Think back to the Bosnian war when the USA "accidentally" bombed the Chinese embassy in Belgrade.

Mecca is one press of the button away from oblivion. And the Dome on the Rock mosque in Jerusalem is already an "accident" waiting to happen. It would be a grave mistake to push America or Israel too far. I mention this not as a threat but as a timely reminder. Radicalism can only end in disaster for us all. So it's up to you to inform young Muslims that:

A/ they will go to HELL for murdering innocent people.
B/ Islam itself is not under attack so there is no need for Jihad.

No one else is going to do it, it's up to YOU. The alternatives to this solution are too horrible to contemplate, but I advise you to do just that.

Real Wild Church